(45 secs work 15 rest repeat 2 X)
(30 sec work 30 secs rest for easier option)
* Mountain Climbers
-Get in a plank position with your shoulders directly over your wrists.
-Push the floor away with the heel of your hand and make sure you are creating a flat line through your body (NO butts in the air!).
-Drive your knees in towards you chest & aim to touch your elbows, squeezing your abs the whole time!
* Hollow hold
-Lie down on the floor with you legs straight and your arms stretched above your head in line with your ears.
-lift your arms and legs off the floor by tightening your stomach muscles. Imagine you are drawing your rib cage down towards your hips.
-make sure your back stays flat on the mat!!! NO ARCHING!
-to make this easier bend the knees and bring the arms closer towards the centre of your body.
* Side sit ups with legs
-lay down on your side with your bottom arm stretched out in line with your shoulder and your top arm above your head.
-glue your legs together and crunch both your arm and legs off the floor reaching for your toes!
* Back extension squeeze & push-up
-lay on your tummy with your legs stretch out and slightly wider than your hips.
-reach your arms and legs off the floor.
-squeeze your elbows down and your legs together.
-push up from the ground in a nice flat plank.
-keep your core tight the whole time.
* Elbows to hands
-start in a plank on your elbows.
-walk up and down from elbows to hands without wiggling around or coming out of the plank position.
-lower option to hold a plank on your elbows.