DAY 2 (20/10 X 4)
* Star sit ups
-start on your back with your arms and legs apart like a star. Sit up whilst simultaneously reaching your right arm towards the outside of your left leg/foot.
-you can rehearse this by bending the legs as you bring them in or by only moving the upper body & leaving your legs on the floor.
* Swimming kicking legs & arms on tummy
-start laying on your front
-stretch your arms and legs and lift them off the floor making sure you’re knees are completely straight & not touching the floor.
-keep your abs tight and kick your arms and legs remaining neutral through the spine & not rocking from side to side.
* Burpees X 5
-regress to jump jacks if these are too tough.
* Reverse crunch twist X 10
-start on your back with your legs lifted and straight at roughly a 45 degree angle.
-draw the legs in until they are in line with your hips then squeeze the pelvic floor & lower abs to lift your toes to the ceiling & your bum & lower back off the floor.
-add a twist at the top to bring in more obliques.
-make this easier by bending the knees and tapping the floor instead of lengthening them out at the bottom.
* Alternating legs V up X 20
-start on your back with your arms and legs stretched out.
-sit up and lift one leg at the same time.
-keep the leg straight and touch your toes.
-bend the knee to make it easier or just do a full sit up with no leg raise.